A glimpse into my work

Some of the projects I've worked on over the years. These are the ones that I'm most proud of. Some are made for clients, others are made in collaboration with partners, but all are made with love.

Closed source projects

  • WorkoutPlanner

    Create tailored workout plans based on your goals, preferences, and schedule.


  • TrainFit

    All-in-one fitness app designed for personal trainers and their clients.


  • ShipABit

    Online platform for calculating shipping costs and printing labels.

    Shut down

  • Retrain Your Brain

    Online course that teaches you how to retrain your brain to think more positively.


  • Day of Sustainability

    An online game that teaches kids about sustainability and climate change.

    Shut down

  • LEDs Go Green

    A tool to help you calculate the energy savings of switching to LEDs.

    Shut down

Open source projects

  • Laravel SEO Scanner

    Scan your Laravel application routes for SEO improvements suggestions.


  • Laravel Open Graph Image

    Dynamically create Open Graph images for your website.


  • PHP Uploadcare Transformations

    Fluent PHP syntax for Uploadcare transformations.


  • Laravel Google Analytics v4

    Retrieve all data from Google Analytics version 4 using Laravel.


  • Laravel OK

    Is your Laravel app OK? This package can monitor and notify you when something is wrong!


  • WeFact PHP

    PHP package to provide a fluent interface to communicate with WeFact.


  • React Uploadcare Transformations

    React component for Uploadcare transformations.


  • KvK API

    PHP package to communicate with the business register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce.


  • Laravel Timezones

    Small package to generate valid timezone arrays to use in select fields.


  • Buienradar API

    PHP package to communicate with Dutch weather service Buienradar.
